The zip file contains two components and a test app. The first component (dynsort) encapsulates a dynamic array with a sort method. It is based on work done by Frank Francone (dynamic array) and Erez Amir (sorting). Basically, all I've done is to make the two work together. Specifically, I've incorporated Sorter.Pas into Dynarray.Pas. I've included both author's original code so that you can see what I've done, and more easily change or add to it. The second component (statone) adds univariate statistics such as the mean, standard deviation and percentiles. A couple of notes about the statistics: The mean and higher order moments are calculated using a "one-pass provisional means" approach. This results in higher accuracy, with little increase in computational time. The harmonic and geometric means use only values greater than zero. For information on the Bisquare see the Help text in the sample app. There is no documentation, as such. The source code of both the components and sample app should make most things pretty clear. My code if freeware. I have used this project as a Delphi learning exercise, so I have not tested the statistical results as much as I would like. What testing I have done is to compare about a dozen sets of random numbers against results obtained from the Electronic Handbook of Probability (if you’re into stats, you might want to check eHOP out, contact Alan Bostrom, If there are errors, they would likely occur under pathological conditions. To install these components, put Dynary.Pas and Stat.Pas into a directory referenced by your Delphi library file name search path and add Stat to the lib. If you have any questions/comments/problems, feel free to contact me. -Ted Kahn 70353,2603